Thursday, January 7, 2010

Red Fingernails, Black wine?

Howdy Y'all. sorry, just wanted to sound american.. hehe.

Well i'm at work currently and it must be the slowest day in the history of time! I've already painted my nails RED, been on facebook and had a good look around calorie king. Productive eh?

Now all i've got is the Eskimo Joe song in my head "black fingernails, red wine, i'm going to make you, all mine".

i was planning on going to Zumba tonight with my sister, but we just checked the website and they're closed until next week! ugh!

So, instead i'm going to the sisters gym. Our goal is to do half an hour of Cardio, and half an hour of weights. Should be good. Slight change of plans, but i haven't been to 'a' gym in a little while so at least its something different.
Guess what!? my work pants are feeling a little looser. I mean they were pretty tight before(making some strange fabric patterns on my stomach) - but now, i can move them up and down pretty easily. Feels good.

Lately i have been feeling really good, and although i cant notice any 'big' change, i'm just feeling a bit more slim and even a tad toned (who would have thought!?) Hope i can really boost it even more in the next week.
I want to try and increase the intensity of my workouts. Because we had a power out the other night, all i did was go for a walk. I feel like it would be so much easier if i had a treadmill at home!

Oh well, cant afford it! The only thing i'm considering doing is getting a 3-month membership at the local gym (its not a huge gym, but its something!?)
I'm still not sure.

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