Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So.. did a boxing class last night! It was good cos it was something different to what i usually do. I'll give you a quick rundown as to what happened:
When we first got to class, there was about 20 people ready to go in - quite a lot!!
The trainer guy went round and introduced himself to everyone, and he said that he had one rule - if any one of us stop more than once, we must leave the class! And to get ready to work VERY hard! pfft!!! i was freasking out! i was ready to just walk out there and then!

Okay, so my sister dragged me in, and he also added that if her hears us talking, than it would be 10 situps, 10 pushups and 10 starjumps! Who was this guy??

For the first 15 minutes, we were running, doing pushups, sit-ups, all sorts. I was already pretty tired, then we broke up into groups, kind of doing circuit training. Half the time, we were doing combinations of punches and hook punches, then the other half we were doing weights.

To be perfectly honest, i didn't really feel COMPLETELY exhausted and red-faced at the end. The cardio at the start probably worked me the hardest. Also it was hard to say i really enjoyed myself because he was a bit mean. I think he was a little but nicer to me cos i was probably the biggest and most un-fit person in the room!

Anyway, VERDICT: was fun for something different, but probably wont try that class again. Might try a different boxing class at my gym. Although i said i didn't feel properly worked, i do have sore shoulders, and back this morning! So maybe it worked me more than i thought?

Anyway. so lets revise on my goal for the week:

Monday - Gym session (cardio + weights) DONE
Tuesday - Boxing class - sisters gym. DONE
Wednesday - Gym session - 30 mins cardio
Thursday - Zumba class (60 mins)
Friday - Wii Yoga (20 mins)
Saturday - REST
Sunday - REST ( maybe Wii?)
So i'm planning on going to the gym tonight to do my half hour on the treadmill. I'll take a rest from the weights. I've done it for the past couple of days so should give them a rest so my muscles can repair itself.
Also want an early night in bed tonight. Yesterday and today i have been pretty tired in the morning. Its been 2 pretty full on days so i'll get some extra rest tonight!!
I'm invisioning myself going shopping in melbourne and buying a size smaller!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. The worst part for the smell the gloves after you'd worn them!!

    Looking forward to Zumba!
