Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A breakfast worth getting up for....

Happy Wednesday! And Happy 50th Birthday Mum!

Guess what!? i got the new EA Active to play with yesterday:

Its sooo good. Well i am such a big fan of this EA stuff, the new one is located at a 'fitness resort' ooooh! so activities that it includes is water skiing, circuit training, sparring and targets, ab workouts. Its actually pretty good, and it makes me feel like i'm not really working out, but having fun! They also have a sprint game, where you jog lightly, and then you have to sprint to pass the next person. So it kind of has interval training in it too. It has heaps of step routines as well, but i want to get the attachment for the wii balance board to make it higher.

i did about 260 cals on the wii last night, and then i did a quick thing of weights - probly about 10-15 mins - did my arms, and a bit of my butt! They were actually quite sore by the end of it, but surprisingly - Not sore this morning!?

So, i've been reading the blog of and she is awesome. She leads a really clean life (ie. Vegan and a PT). She has heaps of cool stuff on her site so you should check it out. I stole this recipe from her - for the breakfast cookie:

I tried it out this morning, and heres the recipe i used:

1/3 cup of traditional oats,
1 tablespoon of honey
sprinkling of cinnamon,
1 tbsn of sultanas
1 tbsn of dried apricots
1 small mashed banana.
Dash of milk
You put it into a bowl and stir it all together, put it on a plate and refrigerate overnight. wha-la. in the morning its scrumptious. i ate mine with a tiny bit of yogurt. Works out to be about 373 cals (without the yoghurt). However, i am going to try 'stevia' instead of honey - its a natural sweetner, with like no calories! I also thinks its meant to be a little harder than what it was this morning, so will try to eliminate the honey soon with the replacement.
The best thing about this is that you can change it up - Fitnessista puts carob, apple, protein powder, nut butter or cocoa powder in! And that works great for me because i get bored really easily!
I've been feeling really good physically lately. Emotionally i've been a bit exhausted as i've had so much happening lately - christmas, my mums bday, new years and work on every day in between. But exercising last night felt really good, my heart rate was up doing the skipping and sprinting, i was red-faced, but felt really relaxed at the same time. i actually think i'm looking much better in my body as well. Maybe i'll get the courage to post a photo of my 'whole' self shortly.


  1. yum that breakfast cookie looks great!! Might have to try that one!

    Andrea :)

  2. You most definitely should - its super tasty and kept me full for ages!
